
SD Card

For all SD card queries, you utilize the wiiSDCard object. You use it to query statistics and informaton about the card, and call on it to perform title-related operations.

var sdCard = new wiiSDCard();


Member Name Discussion
sdCard.checkValidSD(titleId, titleSize) <p>Checks whether an SD card is inserted, and whether it is available to be mounted as FAT, similar to isInserted().</p><p></p><p>Past this, it checks whether the given titleId with the given titleSize is available to be migrated to the SD, depending on a myriad of checks.</p><p></p><p>Returns a negative number if not successful, zero if possible.</p><p></p><p>TODO: Document what error codes in particular.</p>
sdCard.isInserted() <p>Checks whether an SD card is inserted, and whether it is available to be mounted as FAT.</p><p></p><p>Returns true or false, depending on its state.</p>
sdCard.isJournaling() Checks with the internal SD card manager on whether a journaling task is ongoing.
sdCard.getFreeKBytes() Returns the number of kilobytes free on the inserted SD card.
sdCard.getSDBackupSize() Returns the size of the pending SD card backup operation.
sdCard.setJournalFlag(titleId) Marks the given titleId for downloading directly to the inserted SD card.
sdCard.backupToSDCard(titleId) Starts the backup (transfer?) of a title’s data to the SD card.
sdCard.stopBackupToSDCard() Halts the ongoing backup to the SD card. Does not clear copied data.
sdCard.setCancelJournal() Cancels the ongoing journal operation.
sdCard.hasProgressFinished() Returns true or false on whether a previously registered journaling or backup operation has completed.